What level of virus protection do you require?

That’s right. Who could say that there’s no chance that your hobby could also be the foundation of your first business venture? There are a lot of people out there who are in need of a good photographer to capture images of their son’s wedding, their daughter’s graduation or their very own wedding. Why couldn’t you be the one to supply your photography services to their needs?

For the transition of photography from hobby to your very own business, there are several tasks that you have to accomplish first.

Market Your Photography Skills – Sell yourself, in other words! Let people know about what you can do in the field of photography, why they need your skills and why they should hire you. Make sure, however, that you charge them reasonable rates since you’re still more or less an amateur in the field of photography.

To effectively market your photography skills, don’t be afraid of spending a little money on posting ads in the classified sections. Don’t stop there but post about your photography business in as many places as you can.

Join Interest Groups – This could be the local photography club in your community or the association of young photographers in your school. It could also be a Yahoo Group that you could easily join.

Virus protection for your personal computer

Most experts agree that the built-in antivirus software on any major system (a fully updated Windows or Apple computer, or an Android phone or iPhone) is already as good at fighting off viruses as the larger programs you can buy. However remember that this would not be suitable for the business computers that are exposed to greater cybersecurity risks.

Free Antivirus Tools

You can keep your computer protected by using a lot of free tools. Windows comes with its own secure tool known as Windows Defender. However, you can install more free protection for extra security.

There are a lot of free anti-virus software online. Some good ones to look at are:

• Avira

• Bitdefender

• Sophos

• Panda

• Kaspersky

These are some of the free anti-virus tools you can use. They will protect you against most threats, but not every single one. Read reviews to help you determine which free solutions are the best.

Shift your focus to more than just virus protection

Not only do you need to worry about virus protection in terms of cybersecurity, but you also need to have a good anti-virus software that can detect different types of attacks and sub system behaviours related to the latest techniques used by cyber criminals. For example malware, ransomware protection and Virtual Private Network(VPN) security.

Most anti-virus solutions these days come with protection against malware and ransomware built in. Ensure that you understand how your antivirus software provide other types of protection to decide if you need to get a software that specializes in that area. For example for a business network, free antivirus would not be suitable mainly due to the risk posed to work related data.

For other security needs such as a VPN you might want to look into getting a specialized tool that focuses specifically in that area, so signing up for a VPN service, which will encrypt your internet traffic and hide your IP address from prying eyes is very important.

You should also be aware that phishing scams are becoming more sophisticated and if your antivirus software offers protection against those risks as well you won't be left exposed. So in closing, the amount of virus protection you need varies depending on how your device is used. It is generally advisable to have as much security as possible. free programs are helpful, but it is better to invest in a paid anti-virus solution, which offers more features and protection.